
Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Curated List Definition of Machine Learning

There are many good definition for Machine Learning available today.

Authors, lecturers, researchers, students and trainers need Machine Learning definition in their work (to be used in lecturing slides, journal papers, white papers, books, etc.). Below are my own curated list of machine learning definitions :

  1. Machine Learning is a field of study that looks at and constructs algorithms that can learn from and make predictions on experimental data. [Zinoviev, D., 2016. Data Science Essentials in Python]

Friday, 3 November 2017

How-to make WhatsApp server down in less than 3 minutes or less than that time

1. Type this >> "Hahahahaha .... moi saja kamu !!!"
2. Send to your WhatsApp group
3. Delete the message
4. Try to recover the message.

Imagine if 8 Million users doing the same thing concurrently.

Moi saja kamu nih !!!!

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Learning AWS Lambda and new serverless architecture

Today, I'm decided to learn and understand about serverless architecture. Amazon Web Services (AWS) have Lambda services that are easy to learn and simple to deploy.

You can learn more about AWS Lambda here .

My first ever AWS Lambda function (using Python 3.x runtime environment):

My test input to the above Lambda function is :

And finally, the output are :

  1. AWS Lambda provides a new way to deploy and run code on cloud infrastructure.
  2. Currently, AWS Lambda provide Python, JavaScript (Node.js), Java and C# runtime.
  3. The AWS Getting Started, User Guide, how-to, tutorials and documentations to learn AWS are easy to understand and useful.
  4. TO-DO-NEXT : My next learning is to try out Google Cloud Platform (GCP) serverless product --> Cloud Function. 

Saturday, 16 September 2017

Learning Blockchain 101 @ MaGiC Cyberjaya

Today, I am attending Blockchain DevCon at MaGiC, Cyberjaya.

The session is conducting by LuxTag ( ) - blockchain for luxury items.

Digital Signature
- is generated by the secret key (SK)
- is verified by the public key (PK)

sign(content, SK)
verify ( sameContent, signature, PK  ) 

Hash function, SHA256

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Maximum Drawdown Ratios in R

“Maximum drawdown simply represents the most dollars in equity a strategy lost from any point to any point in the future. This figure is a candidate to replace standard deviation in the denominator of the Sharpe Ratio.”

Excerpt From: Chris Conlan. “Automated Trading with R.” iBooks.

Friday, 8 September 2017


Yes ! Yes ! Yes ! We're selected.

High-Frequency Sharpe Ratio in R

Sharpe Ratio is a measure for calculating risk-adjusted return.

It is one of the best-known metrics for measuring investment strategy performance. It is specifically mean excess return divided by standard deviation of returns.

Sharpe ratio = (Mean portfolio return − Risk-free rate) / Standard deviation of portfolio return

In R language:
SR <- mean(Rt, na.rm=TRUE) / sd(Rt, na.rm=TRUE)

Generally, we want higher value of Sharpe Ratio as it is more attractive risk-adjusted value.

Notes : For a portfolio engaging in “zero risk” investment, such as the purchase of government bonds (with fixed-rate expected return or the risk-free rate), has a Sharpe ratio of exactly zero.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Plotting Simulated Equity Curve with R

Today, I'm learning how to plot Equity Curve in R language.

What is Equity Curve?
Equity curve is the trading account value plotted against time.

Randomly Generated Equity Curve

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Book Reviews - Building Winning Algorithmic Trading Systems

Building Winning Algorithmic Trading Systems

This is ONE of the best book related to DIY Algorithmic Trading Systems. I read the book slowly for 2 weeks in order to fully understand its concept, ideas and approach.

The author provide many short cut and don't do it advise that can save us a lot of time and money.

Great book. High-impact book.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Python: Reading and manipulating CSV files

With Python language, reading and manipulating rows of contents from comma-separated-values (CSV) files are easy.

Below are example of Python code.

To store content from CSV file to a list:

Monday, 20 March 2017

Custom iOS UITableViewCell

At last, after hours of tweaking my rusty Swift 3.0 language skills ... my custom UITableViewCell with custom datasets with built-in delete function.

Hah !

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

iOS Map Kit View

It is SUPER easy to display interactive map on iOS app using Map View Kit.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

iOS Auto Layout

As iOS developer, understanding and knowledge about iOS Auto Layout is key.

You must know how it works and how you want it works for your apps.

“Auto Layout is a crucial technology for every iOS developer. It helps you create flexible layouts that work across a range of devices and interface sizes. It also takes a lot of practice to master.”

Thursday, 9 February 2017

iOS App for Mastermind Using Swift

This is the best book related to mobile app development so far.

iOS Apps for Masterminds

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

iOS App Example Using Swift 3.0 Language via XCode 8.2.1 IDE

This is my first trial of iOS app using Swift 3.0 language.

Mechanic of Model-View-Controller (MVC) Design Pattern Simplified

This is the simplest figure I found so far to easily understand the mechanic of MVC design pattern.

How-to add existing local project to GitHub in 10 easy steps

These are the 10 steps.

  1. Login to your GitHub account at
  2. Once successful login, create a new repository.
  3. On your Mac or local machine, open terminal application or any other terminal-like application.
  4. On your terminal, change your working directory to your local workspace directory (using cd command).
  5. Type git init to initialise the directory as Git repository.
  6. Type git add .  to add all files to GitHub repository.
  7.  Type git commit -m "First commit from local repository"
  8. At GitHub page, copy the remote repository URL.
  9. At terminal, type git remote add origin remoteURL
  10. Finally, push your local files to remote repository with this command git push -u origin master

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Augmented Reality with iOS

Today, I'm beginning my new journey with mobile Augmented Reality (AR) with iOS devices (iPhone & iPad).

Setting up the Macbook - done.